During the Coronavirus crisis the NHS has and continues to save lives whilst the Local Authorities have and continue to provide an essential safety net to the most vulnerable.
Claire Edwards Eldercare Consultant provides an extra layer of support for older people and their families:
- Who have needed to accept essential short term care, funded and arranged for them by the NHS and Adult Social Care Teams, that they do not see as being the longer term solution.
- Who have lost one parent only to discover the extent to which that parent was supporting the other.
- Who prior to this crisis had recognised the vulnerabilities of an older relative but have put plans to find the right care solution on hold.
- Who are concerned about the cost of care for an older relative, either because the temporary public funding will soon come to an end and /or because their own ability to step in has been affected by the dramatic and unexpected changed in their own financial circumstances.
Claire Edwards Eldercare Consultant can help by:
- Conducting independent consultations and assessments to provide an opportunity to identify health and care needs, discuss a range of care options, to provide clarity during these uncertain times and to help inform decision making about next steps
- By individually researching the most suitable and sustainable long term care solution taking into account the most up to date government guidance and current practice around the provision of care during the Coronavirus crisis and beyond.
- Supporting older people and their families with their contact with NHS, Local Authorities and the Department of Work and Pensions to ensure they are aware of all available financial support and how it can be accessed.
Call me, Claire Edwards RN Eldercare Consultant on 07415387129.