Terms and Conditions of Business
Last updated: 28th May 2018
Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using the https://eldercareconsultant.co.uk website (the “Service”) operated by Claire Edwards Eldercare Consultant ( “me”, “I” )
Your access to and use of the Service is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use the Service.
Terms and Conditions of Business
I am a registered nurse providing independent care advice to older people and/or their closest representatives to enable them to make informed choices about care.
Advice given is based on the information made available to me by the older person or their representative at the time of their consultation or assessment visit. It is provided to the best of my knowledge which has been gained by professional nurse training, many years’ experience and continuing professional development in the field of health and social care.
I am able to provide advice on the various sources of financial support from the NHS, Local Authority and Department of Work and Pensions, however I am not responsible for decisions made by them with regard to eligibility, nor am I a financial adviser.
Care provider reports and referrals to third parties
I have no commission arrangements with individual care providers and services and those providers and services included in my reports are selected by me for their likely ability to meet the older person’s needs and wishes, based on my knowledge of the care provider or service and the information provided by the older person and /or their closest representative.
My care provider reports provide a selection of entirely suitable care providers and services in a given area at the time of writing my report but are not necessarily exhaustive of all options in that area.
The care provider reports empower the older person and /or their representative to make informed choices. I am neither the decision maker nor am I responsible for the delivery of the service provided by the care providers or services included in my reports. I will, however, provide support with any concerns that may arise when using a care provider or service included in my reports.
Accompanied Care Home Visits
I conduct accompanied care home visits with the older person and/or their closest representatives, subject to a risk assessment and in my capacity as an adviser, not as a care provider or decision maker. If transport or care is required during the course of the visits I will assist with making suitable arrangements for this to be provided.
Independent Health and Care Needs Assessments
“Independent Health and Care Needs Assessments” are conducted by me, subject firstly to the consent of the older person or, in the absence of mental capacity to make this decision, their Lasting Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare. In the event that the older person lacks mental capacity to consent to the assessment and if there is no Lasting Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare, then the purpose of the assessment and whether proceeding with it is likely to be in the best interests of the older person will be considered and documented by me following consultation with the older person’s closest representatives, before proceeding with the assessment.
“Independent Health and Care Needs Assessments” conducted by me constitute my professional opinion of the older person’s health and care needs, based on my assessment of the their situation as presented to me by the older person, their closest representatives and/or any health and social care professionals involved in their care at the time of the assessment. My assessments are conducted to best practice standards with reference to the relevant health and social care legal framework.
Care Monitoring
“Care Monitoring” is provided by me following either “Your Consultation” or an “Independent Health and Care Needs Assessment” conducted by me. It facilitates effective ongoing communication between the older person and /or their closest representatives, care providers and health and social care professionals involved in the older person’s care, subject to the consent of the older person or their closest representative. “Care Monitoring” is provided, by appointment, and at agreed regular intervals, in my capacity as adviser, not as care provider or decision maker.
Privacy Policy
All information shared with me is treated as private and confidential and will not be shared with third parties unless permission has been given to me to do so by the older person or their closest representatives or unless I am required to do so as described in my Privacy Policy which can be viewed at: https://eldercareconsultant.co.uk/privacy-policy/
The content of this website is for general information only and does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation.
Contact Me
If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact me at ce@eldercareconsultant.co.uk